Kansas City to Usher in New Age of Sound with the Innovative Sound Mandala at the KC Fringe Festival

"Immersive Sound Mandala Experience"

A sonic experience unlike anything you’ve known

A New Age of Sound in Kansas City

The very notion of sound system may be morphing in Kansas City, thanks to the innovative efforts of Tom Mardikes, a seasoned sound designer, and his team of vibrant technologists and aspiring researchers. Mardikes, a Professor of Theater Sound Design at UMKC, has carved out a unique, immersive sound session that he calls the Sound Mandala. Through several years of hard work and detailed research, the team has crafted a multidimensional auditory environment that promises to deliver an experience never heard before.

The Sound Mandala: An Overview

At the center of Mardikes’ innovative venture is a spectacular theater-sized enclosure. In this unique space, listeners can sit in comfortable chairs surrounded by up to 230 strategically placed loudspeakers, creating an enveloping sonic landscape. The extensive listing of the speakers, which cost around $4,000 each, is not the end of the story. The space is designed to be clad in an acoustic shell, outfitted with seating, and possibly laced with visual displays to enhance the overall sensory experience.

Unlike traditional sound systems where the sonic experience is influenced by seating positions and angles, the Sound Mandala promises a consistent, unified sound experience for all listeners. The technology behind this exciting concept involves complex algorithms, significant hardware infrastructure, and intricate wiring. Ryan Kleeman, a San Francisco Bay Area-based sound designer, praised the experience as “an exact sound location within three dimensions… absolutely stunning”.

Testing the Sound Mandala

Sound Mandala has been gradually developed in Mardikes’ in-house studio at UMKC. The current model consists of 40 wall-mounted speakers surrounding a single listener, but plans are afoot to debut an 80-speaker version at the coming KC Fringe Festival scheduled for July. This larger installation will be housed in UMKC’s Olson Performing Arts Center’s Black Box Theatre, promising a revelatory experience for sound enthusiasts at the festival.

The Sonic Feast at Fringe Festival

Mardikes and his team are planning up to 40 shows over the festival’s 10 days-length, allowing listeners to witness the potential and expanse of Sound Mandala through a 50-minute program. This programming will feature both existing recorded music and sounds, as well as new pieces specifically composed to leverage the sound system’s unique capabilities. Included in the content mix are recordings from local rock bands, dramatic pieces from local artists, and various sound effects collages.

Looking Forward

Ultimately, the aim of Mardikes and his team extends beyond the development of an innovative sound system; they are seeking commercial users of the technology in diverse markets including art museums, science institutions, and entertainment venues. The Fringe Festival provides a platform to demonstrate the Sound Mandala’s groundbreaking potential.

Mardikes even mentioned the medical potential of his innovation. He cited an instance where a child on the autism spectrum displayed unprecedented calm while experiencing the system, leading to ponderings on the therapeutic possibilities of the Sound Mandala.

Experience Sound Mandala at the KC Fringe Festival

Visitors can experience the mesmerizing Sound Mandala at the KC Fringe Festival which will be held from July 18-28 at the Black Box Theatre in UMKC’s Olson Performing Arts Center. As Mardikes redefines the possibilities of sound, Kansas City takes a leap into a new age of sonic appreciation and therapy.

Kansas City to Usher in New Age of Sound with the Innovative Sound Mandala at the KC Fringe Festival


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