Mise en Place: Alan Kneeland’s Commitment to Overcoming Challenges faced by Kansas City Restaurants

"Pizza Chef Overlooking Kansas City"

Mise en Place: Alan Kneeland is “Bigger Than the Challenges” Facing KC Restaurants

Alan Kneeland

Alan Kneeland is the man well known as an advocate for everything concerning Kansas City restaurants. His roles and duties go hand in hand with his position as the President of the Greater Kansas City Restaurant Association. However, his infectious passion for restaurants and in-depth involvement in the food industry rings throughout the city, even before he took up his presidential role.

Kneeland owns The Combine, a restaurant that incorporates his extensive experience in food safety, nightlife, and specifically, the art of pizza making. The restaurant, along its rooftop patio space, symbolizes Kneeland’s journey through the complex, yet closely-knit hospitality sector of Kansas City. This journey is far from over.

Alan Kneeland’s Start in Restaurants

Alan Kneeland began as a dishwasher in Panera Bread. Like many hospitality industry pioneers, Kneeland worked his way up the ladder, learning and performing every task Panera had to offer. Upon reaching management level, Kneeland knew that he aspired to more than just climbing the corporate ladder – he wanted to run his own business.

Under the mentorship of Buddy Lahl, Kneeland partnered with Jason Pryor, the owner of Pizza 51. He managed Pryor’s pizza shop in Fairway, Kansas for about two years. During this time, he employed his corporate knowledge from Panera to streamline attention to food quality, adhere to safety zones, and integrate numerous other minute details critical for restaurant operation.

Transition to The Combine

Following his enriching experience with Pizza 51, Kneeland reverted to Panera Bread and served as the general manager at Oak Park Mall. He then began to venture into new realms and acquired additional roles, which included being a part of fine dining at Kingswood Manor. Eventually, he got another offer to collaborate with Pryor in a new project that ultimately led to the establishment of The Combine.

Inspiration Behind The Combine

According to Kneeland, his passion for the restaurant industry, love for food, and empathy for people inspired him. His dream has been brewing for the past seven to eight years, ever since he began working at Panera Bread. His motivation lies in the satisfaction of his regular customers, their love for the community, and the growth of his employees.

The Combine and the Pizza Culture of KC

Pizza is definitely the heart of The Combine. Specifically, the Cowtown has won countless taste buds. The pizza culture of KC is rich and diverse with household names like Minsky’s and the upcoming Orange by Devoured. Each restaurant brings their unique twist to their pizzas, contributing to the city’s vibrant pizza culture.

Alan Kneeland, Footsteps in GKCRA, Presidency, and Vision

Kneeland’s humility shines through as he remembers his fear and nervousness attending his first meeting as a board member of GKCRA nine years ago. The industry is close-knit, and he knew many attendees at the event, which made him comfortable.

Kneeland chaired his first committee for education because he believes that children should be educated on the various aspects of the hospitality industry. His consistent growth and active involvement henceforth in the association naturally propelled him to presidency. He strives to ensure the longevity of the organization and to help highlight the diverse range of local restaurants in the city.

Managing Responsibilities, Cooking for Fun, and Drawing Inspiration

Kneeland credits Google Calendar and his wife for helping him manage his various responsibilities. Kneeland admits that while he loves cooking, it’s usually reserved for special occasions. The joy expressed by customers after tasting his food and the excitement in children curious about the industry motivates him more than anything.

Looking Ahead at The Combine

The summer promises exciting events at The Combine’s rooftop and the much-awaited patio season. Concerts and festivals in Kansas City will make it even more enjoyable for not just restaurants, but for everyone.

Mise en Place: Alan Kneeland's Commitment to Overcoming Challenges faced by Kansas City Restaurants

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