Overnight Storm in Kansas City Leads to ‘Jurassic’ Crash Due to Dinosaur Statue Truck Incident

Crashed truck scattering dinosaur statues

Kansas City Overnight Storm Causes ‘Jurassic’ Crash

KANSAS CITY – A terrifying incident in the early hours of Wednesday morning had local police describing it as a ‘Jurassic’ crash. Officers from the Pleasant Valley Police Department and Claycomo Police Department were called to a crash on Interstate 35 at the Interstate 435 split at about 2:20 a.m.

Witnessing the Unexpected

To their surprise, the officers found that a white box truck hauling a flatbed trailer filled with dinosaur statues had skidded off the pavement and into a traffic lane. Those on the scene could only describe the incident as reminiscent of a ‘Jurassic’ event.

The Cause of the Incident

Investigations have revealed that the tyres on the truck were excessively worn, and the wet conditions from an overnight storm likely contributed to the crash. The Claycomo Police Department has speculated that the driver was traveling at a speed unfit for the treacherous road conditions, leading them to lose control of the vehicle.

The Aftermath and Clearing Operations

The result was a spectacle on the highway, with traffic lane blocked for a duration until a crew arrived to move the trailer housing the dinosaur statues off the highway.

In a prepared statement, the Claycomo Police Department reiterated the importance of maintaining vehicles in good condition and driving responsibly, especially during adverse weather conditions. “We encourage drivers always to check their vehicles before setting off, especially the condition of their tires, and remember to adapt their speed to accommodate the current weather and road conditions,” the statement read.

Other News in Kansas City

In other news around Kansas City, the severe weather conditions caused fireworks planned for the area to be cancelled, leading to disappointment from residents expecting to celebrate.

Overnight Storm in Kansas City Leads to 'Jurassic' Crash Due to Dinosaur Statue Truck Incident

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