As spring blossoms in full bloom and people dust off their outdoor gear, the music scene in Kansas City is heating up with a stellar lineup of performances this April. From groovy concerts under the open sky to evocative indoor performances, Kansas City’s concert calendar offers a smorgasbord of choices for music lovers.
Former local Hermon Mehari, a renowned trumpeter, and Italian pianist Alessandro Lanzoni kick off the list with a dynamic duo performance at the intimate setting of the 1900 Building. Their last album, “Arc Fiction” released in 2021, is a testament to their prowess in handling chamber jazz music.
New Yorker L’Rain brings her genre-defying music to the city as part of her series of events for the Whitney Museum of American Art’s biennial celebration. Her performances, like the dream-like composition “Pet Rock”, blur the lines between different music genres.
Chappell Roan, an unconventional mix of drag-inspired artistry and captivating music, adorns the stage of The Midland Theatre. With her melodically infectious songs like “Femininomenon” and “My Kink Is Karma”, Roan is a rising star definitely worth watching.
Kane Brown, a contender for the most subversive rebel in the country genre, is all set to serenade Kansas City at the T-Mobile Center. Known for his ambitious collaborations that blur musical boundaries, Brown is a treat for fans of genre-defying music.
Local folk standout Sierra Ferrell leads the ‘weird little revolution in folk music’ at The Truman. With songs like “The Bells of Every Chapel”, she has managed to charm not just the purists but even fans of commercial country and folk-rock.
Enthusiastic about blues music? Don’t miss out on Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band at Knuckleheads. This trio from Indiana promises an evening of exuberant blues with hits like “Clap Your Hands.
Kansas City’s adopted daughter, Waxahatchee, takes to the stage at Uptown Theater with her sublime folk-rock music. Her track “Right Back to It” from her new album is quickly becoming an instant classic.
Mark your 4/20 with the groovy performance of rock band 311 under the star-studded open sky at GrindersKC. With their uplifting hits like “Down”, the evening promises to be a memorable day in Kansas City’s concert history.
Former star of roots-rock band Alabama Shakes, Brittany Howard, takes center stage at The Truman with her latest solo venture. Known for her adventurous musical choices, her recent album “What Now” has already begun creating waves in the music world.
Rounding up the list is Mike, an up-and-coming NYC rapper known for overlaying dense sonic textures with cryptic lyricism. His innovative approach to hip-hop makes him an artist to watch out for this season in Kansas City.
So, whether you are a jazz enthusiast, country fan, rock admirer, or hip-hop lover, Kansas City’s diverse concert line-up this April is sure to leave you spoilt for choice.
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