Kansas City Moves to Enhance Safety in School Zones

Safer School Crossings

Kansas City Takes Action for Safer School Zones

In the heart of Kansas City, Missouri, city leaders are shining a bright light on an issue that seems to have been overlooked for far too long. Schools that operate outside established school zones have caught the attention of local officials, and what they’ve discovered is quite surprising. There are a number of these schools scattered across the city, prompting important conversations about safety for students, especially those who walk to class.

Community Voices Concern Over Safety

Kelly Van Kirk, a parent with children in the Park Hill School District, shared her thoughts on the matter. “It’s just very surprising that it’s not in a school zone,” she expressed, clearly concerned about the safety measures—or lack thereof—surrounding her children’s school environment. She highlighted a significant issue that many parents can relate to; kids needing to cross busy streets to get to school. “They just need to have some safeguards in place—crosswalks,” she added, noting the early start times that often leave students walking to school in the dark during winter months.

Van Kirk has been proactive in addressing this issue, dedicating nearly a year to advocate for a newly designated crosswalk and school zone area near north Congress Avenue and northwest Barry Road—a project that is expected to start soon. “The priority for me was definitely having a designated spot for them to cross; there was not even crossing lines for them to cross a year ago,” she explained.

Speedy Streets Raise Concerns

Unfortunately, Van Kirk’s experience isn’t unique. Many schools in the Kansas City area are also situated along busy roads with high-speed limits, such as near Winnetonka High School, where the speed limit reaches 40 mph. “Even as an adult, I would be concerned about crossing a street that’s heavily trafficked with a speed limit of 40 mph,” she stated, making a compelling case for change.

This push for safer school zones has reached the ears of local authorities, including KCMO Councilman Nathan Willett. “Sometimes, this just falls through the cracks; this would be an intentional effort to look through to make sure we don’t miss anyone,” Willett stated, emphasizing the need for action. He pointed out that several schools, including Oak Park High School and Walden Middle School, are operating without designated school zones. “As a council directive, we say, ‘Hey, these are some busy roads; let’s see if we can drop this speed limit down,’” he added.

Increasing Foot Traffic Sparks Safety Measures

A major consideration in this initiative stems from a recent trend: many school districts are witnessing an increase in the number of students walking to school. “More and more students are walking to school because of the bus driver shortages; a lot of school districts like NKC, Liberty, Park Hill, and Platte County are having more and more people forced to walk because of the shortage,” Willett noted. With more teenagers driving and learn-to-drive individuals hitting the road, ensuring safety in these busy areas has never been more critical.

An Urgent Call for Change

Van Kirk carefully highlighted the dangers posed by these bustling roads. “The concern is there, the distracted driving, folks driving too fast, and of course the kids are distracted; these are kids,” she reminded everyone involved. It is clear that urgent action is needed to protect the young students navigating the streets each day.

On September 19, KCMO City Council moved swiftly, approving a plan to have City Manager Brian Platt report back in 90 days regarding which schools are lacking designated school zones. This effort includes potential measures such as lowering speed limits during school hours, adding crosswalks, lighting, and even crossing guards to bring more awareness to these essential safety zones.

As discussions continue, the community is hopeful that positive changes will come to their beloved Kansas City, ensuring a safer environment for all students on their way to school.

Kansas City Moves to Enhance Safety in School Zones

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