Kansas City Contractor asserts Streetcar Extension Spikes Job Opportunities and Skill Development
Amidst the plethora of infrastructure projects that are reshaping Kansas City, the KC Streetcar extension takes center stage, not only for its continued development but also for the consequent upswing in local employment and skill growth it’s fostering in the region.
Ground-Level Impact
The extension project, traversing from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in Brookside to the Berkley Riverfront, keeps Landon Cleveland, a local contractor from Radmacher Brothers Excavating (RBE), on his toes as he supervises major parts of the work. Cleveland, the General Supervisor of the riverfront site, coordinates approximately 35 workers, mostly natives of the KC area, who tirelessly commit to the project every day. “Being able to support the local communities — whether it be local manufacturers, local suppliers or even the local businesses here where our crews might go eat at,” Cleveland said, “Just be able to support the community in any way that we can, not just building the job but throughout our day-to-day here.”
Enhancing Local Expertise
The apparent benefits of keeping the money circulating within KC aren’t the only perks of such local undertakings. These operations also contribute to generating technical proficiency in the area. In fact, the KC Streetcar Authority hinted at how other cities, like Omaha, have reached out for consultation regarding similar projects.
Setting a Model
Affirming Cleveland’s perspective, Ed Andres, the Vice President of RBE, stressed that Kansas City is making strides in becoming a model for streetcar construction. The currently scheduled completion of the riverfront extension operation set for 2026 suggests that this venture forms just the initial phase of a much more expansive upcoming assignment. Further development plans proposed by the city and Port Authority foresee a promising, secure future, affording KC a competitive edge in the transportation industry. “It’s job security for everybody,” Cleveland confirmed.
Economic Repercussions
Cleveland could not have summed up the scenario more succinctly: “Everybody gets to take home a paycheck at the end of the day and be able to support their families.” This positive reverberation on local economies represents another trait of such community-led endeavors, creating job security and stimulating local businesses through daily activities related to the project.
A Sustainable Future
This infrastructure project exemplifies a successful community-centered approach, promoting growth on multiple fronts. The KC Streetcar extension illuminates a path for other urban spaces to follow, demonstrating a sustainable model that encourages local employment, fosters expert knowledge, and invigorates local economies.