Power lines Damaged, Homes Wrecked as Severe Storms Hit Weston; Remarkably, No Injuries Reported

Storm-damaged houses, fallen powerlines

‘Everyone was super lucky’: Weston neighbors homes, power lines suffer damage after Thursday’s storms

Severe Weather Strikes Weston

In the wee hours of Thursday morning, the calm tranquility of Weston, Kansas City, Missouri, was violently broken as an unprecedented storm ravaged through the city. The resident, Melissa Woodard, described the terrifying experience, saying she had never encountered such powerful winds in her life.

“And all of a sudden this wind, that was crazy, just said whoosh!” Woodard recounted. “And that’s when everything happened.”

A Terrifying Sight

Woodard revealed that she was jarred awake by the sight of sparks in her window. On further investigation, she discovered a tree alight right beside her house, dangerously situated over power lines. Fearing for her safety, she attempted to put out the fire with a hose before a second gust of wind forced her to retreat.

In the wake of the storm, the residents of Weston were left without power. Despite multiple utility trucks responding to the situation, there was uncertainty as to when the power would be restored fully.

Destruction and Grace

Just a few houses away, the storm’s fury was clearly evident. A large tree had snapped, mercilessly crushing a part of the Weston Senior Citizen Housing. Miraculously, there were no injuries to report. One narrow escape was experienced by a woman who had inexplicably moved from her bed to her couch in the middle of the night, thus avoiding the destructive path of the fallen tree.

“Just dismayed, you know grace of God,” expressed Weston’s Chief of Police, Kelly Clark. “You know it’s, good Lord works in mysterious ways.”

Clean-Up and Recovery

While a massive clean-up effort is needed, the most significant relief comes from the fact that nobody was injured in the storms. “It could’ve been way worse, so we’ll just deal with what we can,” Woodard concluded.

In the aftermath of such harsh weather events, communities are often bonded together in their shared experiences and mutual support. While it’s undeniable that the storm has left its mark on Weston, the residents are grateful for their ‘super luck’ and are determined to rebuild and recover from this unexpected disaster.

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Power lines Damaged, Homes Wrecked as Severe Storms Hit Weston; Remarkably, No Injuries Reported

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